We cannot say thank you enough to everyone who came out to support the 1st Jessi’s Journey cornhole tournament !! We had an amazing turnout with over 60 teams participating and so many spectators …
The winners R & B Cornhole ( Rich Weiser and Bob McTeer) came away with the 1st place trophy. A shout out to Dave Weiser for running a smooth cornhole tournament….
Thank you to Dawn Kendricks who walked around and interviewed family and friends ( videos can be seen in YouTube and some below).
We appreciate everyone who stepped in and helped us make this fundraiser so successful. So many generous supporters that will enable us to donate another $25,000.00 plus to The Jessi’s Journey Hope Fund down at University Hospital, Rainbows Babies and Children’s Hospital to help these families whose child is going through brain cancer treatment. We couldn’t do it without all our family and friends and friends of friends… YOU ALL ARE AMAZING!!!
Love Ken and Becky
Jessi’s Mom and Dad